


Sketchy Individuals

About Sketchy Individuals

Sketchy Individuals is a unique game that puts your observational skills to the test. Players step into the shoes of a police sketch artist, tasked with creating accurate portraits of criminals based on witness descriptions.  

The gameplay involves two key stages: witness interrogation and suspect identification. During the interrogation phase, players meticulously select facial features, hairstyles, and other characteristics to match the witness's account. The accuracy of this sketch is crucial for the next stage. In the lineup phase, players must identify the correct suspect from a group of potential criminals based on their previously created sketch.

The game offers a challenging and engaging experience as you navigate the intricacies of criminal identification. With each case, you'll sharpen your observational skills and become a more adept sketch artist. Can you crack the case and bring the criminals to justice?

Tips for Success

Pay close attention to the witness's descriptions.
Consider multiple options when creating your sketch.
Analyze the lineup carefully before making your decision.

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