Released on November 7th, 2024, FiddleBops is an imaginative and engaging mod of the beloved rhythm game Incredibox. Crafted with care by a talented team of creators—silkycell/sylvia, SkyFactorial, BezieAnims, Maddie (Jukebox), RubysArt_, Shackle, radio_cative, and personaladventure—FiddleBops reimagines the musical experience with fresh characters, compelling narratives, and an expansive sound library.
While FiddleBops remains true to the core mechanics of Incredibox, it pushes the boundaries with its unique Sprunki characters, each bringing their distinct sound and personality. It introduces storytelling elements that turn music creation into a journey, offering a fresh way to connect with the game’s world.
Though not officially part of the Incredibox universe, FiddleBops captures its essence while boldly stepping into new creative territory.
Getting started with FiddleBops is as easy as picking a sound, dragging it to a character, and letting the rhythm flow:
FiddleBops is a celebration of creativity, blending rhythm, storytelling, and originality into an unforgettable experience. Whether you're a fan of Incredibox or new to the rhythm game genre, this mod offers a refreshing twist that is sure to delight. Dive into the world of FiddleBops today and let your musical journey begin!
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